A Tribute to my Pastor
I first wrote this tribute in January 2016. My pastor had just lost his beloved mother in a tragic car accident. The episode rocked our...
Thanksgiving 2016
I've lived through 63 Thanksgivings so far. Most I don't remember, but this one I won't forget. It was a quiet day with my children and...

Saving Eric: The birth of a novel
I'm still surprised when God answers prayer. Don't get me wrong. I've been a believer and practicing woman of faith for over forty years....

When a Former Student Dies
It's a little known fact that teachers have favorites. "Every student is a teacher's favorite." That's the right and proper response. But...

Building Sand Castles
I've sworn off face book for the summer. I had to. I have a deadline to finish my second novel. So one morning, I was perusing face book...
Turnip greens and black-eyed peas
Like Job who frequently offered burnt offerings up for every one of his children (just in case they had sinned), my mama did a similar...

I love yellow butterflies
Yellow butterflies. Rays of dancing sunshine that flit and flitter through the air much like Woodstock, Snoopy's sidekick. Each fall,...
Even in my first blog . . .
My first blog, and I already know I don't have anything new or profound to impart. But what I have is a faithful God who shows up in the...